Keeping in touch with our neighbours. Islandmagee Energy is committed to promoting open and honest communication and co-operation between all stakeholders.
The company has been consulting and liaising with the local communities in Islandmagee and Glynn since 2007. In 2013 a Community Liaison Group (CLG) was established to further enable Islandmagee Energy and the community to work together to help minimise any impacts of the facility on its neighbours.
The group not only provided a forum for the company to share information about upcoming project activities but also a mechanism for reporting on actions taken in response to concerns raised by the local community and other stakeholders.
The inaugural meeting was held in May 2013, prior to the wellpad construction. When the project is fully under way, the group is expected to meet on a regular basis. The group is in addition to local day-to-day liaison arrangements which will be put in place when enabling works commence on site.
The Open Day on Monday 14th October has been postponed. The next Open Day will be held prior to the 42-day Public Consultation period.
- Wednesday 25th September 2019 4pm – 8pm – DAERA & NIEA attended the session to provide guidance on the marine license approval process.
- Wednesday 21st August 10am – 2pm and 5pm – 9pm – DAERA attended the morning session and NIEA attended in the evening to provide guidance on the marine license approval process.
- Tuesday 30th July 2019 10am-2pm and 5pm-9pm – DAERA attended to provide guidance on the marine license approval process for the evening session.
- Thursday 27th June 2019 10am-2pm and 5pm-9pm – DAERA attended to provide guidance on the marine license approval process for the evening session.
- Wednesday 22nd May 10am-2pm and 5pm-9pm – Open day date at Islandmagee Orange Lodge, Browns Bay Road, Islandmagee
- Come and meet the experts and learn about the project. Tuesday 30th April 2019 at 2nd Islandmagee Church Hall between 10am -2pm and 5pm – 7pm
- Sessions held over the 20th-22nd March 2019 in the Gobbins Centre on Islandmagee.
- 1st March 2019 political stakeholder briefings
- Booklet drop to every home in the area.
- Drop-in public event held in Islandmagee 4th Nov and Glynn 5th Nov ‘14 ahead of drilling of ‘data gathering’ well.
- Two-day public exhibition held 30th & 31st October 2013 in Islandmagee 2nd Presbyterian Church Hall for people to see revised plans (following feedback gathered in June above).
- Two-day public exhibition was the held on 26th & 27th June 2013 in Islandmagee 2nd Presbyterian Church Hall for people to drop in, view plans and provide feedback.
- Public meeting held in Islandmagee 2nd Presbyterian Church Hall, Saturday 27th April 2013.
Geology Below Islandmagee
The log on the right shows the geology that we will be drilling through from the Islandmagee-1 well. Over 250 million years ago, the region extending from Ireland to Poland was a very hot and large sea. Over time, evaporation caused salt deposits to be formed.
Although younger Triassic salt has been mined in County Antrim since Victorian times, the identification of a deeper Permian salt, suitable for creating caverns to store natural gas, was only discovered in a well drilled below Larne docks in 1981.
Planned Activities
- Enabling Works
- Site Establishment
- Further GI Studies
- Site Fencing
- Road Modifications
- Access Road Upgrades
- Site Levelling
Further detail will be provided prior to activities commencing
Community Fund
A £1 million community fund will be established by Islandmagee Energy. The company will constitute the Islandmagee Energy Community Fund Committee to manage the allocation of these proceeds towards local projects and community welfare.
Judith Tweed is a resident of Islandmagee and a director of Islandmagee Energy. She chairs the committee and is now recruiting local residents to join the committee.
The committee is open to all members of the community irrespective of background, age and profession. The aim of the community fund is to bring together a diverse group of Islandmagee residents in order to facilitate a fair and appropriate allocation of the fund proceeds to applicants.
Islandmagee Energy Comunity Fund (IMECF)
Who is Islandmagee Energy?
Islandmagee Energy is a company that is developing and underground natural gas storage facility in Islandmagee. This new facility is supported by the EU and the UK government. The company aims to address, in an operationally efficient and cost effective manner, the long term energy needs of Northern Ireland and the wider United Kingdom by ensuring security of gas supplies to the region.
What is the Islandmagee Energy Community Fund (IMECF)
Islandmagee Energy has pledged £1 million over the life of the project to be allocated and utilised within the local community. The aim of the fund is to support local projects and initiatives providing vital investment for many within the local community.
What is the Islandmagee Energy Community Fund Committee?
The Islandmagee Energy Community Fund Committee will comprise of members of the local community. The committee will be responsible for the allocation of the £1 million community fund pledged by the company. The committee will act as a selection panel, liaising with investee parties from the community to fairly and appropriately allocate funds. The committee will also ensure that the funds awarded are utilised in accordance with the terms under which they have been awarded.
How can I apply?
The committee is open to all members of the community irrespective of background, age and profession. The aim of the community fund is to bring together a diverse group of Islandmagee residents in order to facilitate a fair and appropriate allocation of the fund proceeds to applicants. If you feel that you can commit to as little as four hours each month to give a little bit back to your local community, we would be delighted to hear from you. This is not a paid position but travel and reasonable expenses will be reimbursed.
To apply, please forward your CV (no more than 1 A4 sheet) along with a cover letter of no more than 500 words, outlining your credentials and motivation for seeking to join the committee.
To contact the Community Fund please email communityfund@
Local Content
Part of our ongoing commitment to the local community is to ensure as much work as is practically possible comes to the local community, whilst we will be subcontracting the main construction packages to larger EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) organisations we will work to ensure the local skills and services are utilised by the main contractor.
We have recently advertised and had a huge response from local businesses who wish to be involved. During the tender negotiations we will work with the main contractor to ensure involvement.
We are committed to:
- Using Local Labour
- Sourcing local Suppliers
- Building Local Capacity
- Training Future Generations
- Providing updates on contracts awarded and monitoring local content.
Islandmagee Energy seeks local firms
The Islandmagee Energy Natural Gas Storage Project received planning permission for one of the most exciting, low impact energy departments to go ahead.
We now seek expressions of interest from local firms specialising in the following fields:
- Ground Works
- Surfacing
- Fencing
- Security
- Transportation commercial
- Transportation (People)
- Civil Construction
- Catering
- Landscaping
- Electrical
- Instrumentation
- Pipework
- Plumbing
- Mechanical
- Air Conditioning
- Outfit
- Accommodation
All interest should be initially emailed providing a brief overview of the services you are able to provide and some basic details regarding your organisation to
Human Environment
Noise & Traffic
As part of our detailed FEED (Front End Engineering Design) study undertaken during 2018 we have undertaken detailed analysis to ensure the construction phase of the project causes minimal impact to Islanmagee, including transporting some materials in by sea to avoid the roads and ensuring we avoid peak times of road usage on the Island.
Various conditions were attached to the planning consent, granted in 2012, which are mainly related to ensuring the successful implementation of the mitigation measures proposed within the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). For each phase of the project, the following plans will be prepared and submitted to the NI Environment Agency, Larne Borough Council (from 2015 Mid and East Antrim Borough Council), or Transport NI for approval before the phase begins. The plans are designed to ensure that agreed limits for potential impacts, such as noise and traffic levels, are set in advance of, and are adhered to, throughout each phase of the construction and operation of the project. Noise & Traffic
• Environmental Management Plan • Species and Habitats Management Plan • Archaeological Programme of Works • Dust Minimisation Plan • Noise Management Plan • Traffic Management Plan
Marine Environment
Islandmagee Energy takes its corporate responsibilities to the environment very seriously and will always act and be guided by the relevant authorities to ensure best practice.
There will be no long-term negative impacts associated with brine discharge. A Marine Science Group (MSG), incorporating members of the relevant government agencies, the fishing community, marine tourism stakeholders, NGOs and Islandmagee Storage representatives, was established by DAERA and met on several occasions.
Islandmagee Energy has recently provided DAERA with an updated brine dispersion model, updated shadow habitats regulations assessment, the diffuser design drawing and full marine monitoring program to construction, during construction and for a period after construction.
The discharge zone will be limited to a 100m radius from the diffuser, a live monitoring system will be in place to ensure that the rate of brine discharge is within the licence range. Should the rate of discharge not remain within the agreed range the discharge will cease until the level is back within the permitted range. Salt will be discharged at 260PSU and reduced to 40PSU within 100m.
The brine discharge modelling has been independently verified by HR Wallingford previously and any updated models will also be independently verified.
Current Status
- DAERA review meeting held 14-Mar-19
- Public engagement surgeries held March – May
- Updated Brine Dispersion Modelling Report issued to DAERA 07-Jun-19
- Third Party Brine Dispersion Modelling Review issued to DAERA 07-Jun-19
Next Steps
- DAERA to provide feedback on submitted reports.
- IMEL Website to be updated with latest Marine data following completion of DAERA reviews.
- IMEL mobilising field work teams.
- DAERA to attend monthly drop in days when available to answer any questions on marine license and legislation.